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For your Sidereal Chart (my preferred method)


Scroll to "Explore your free birth chart" and click on "birth chart calculator." This takes you to the AstroCharts website. There, follow these instructions:

1. Fill in your details 
2. Click "Create Chart" 
3. Click "Settings"
4. Click "General" 
5. Select "Sidereal"
6. Click "Apply"

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Sound Healing bowl
Tropical vs. Sidereal 

I mainly work with the Sidereal System, because in my experience, it's just that much deeper. But what's the difference? 


Western astrology tends to use the Tropical system. This tracks the position of the ☀️ as seen from Earth against a fixed map. It's based on the position of the stars over 2000 years ago - NOT their positions today! 

It claims that seasonal changes, not stars, are at the heart of zodiac sign symbolism. And sure. Seasons impact us.


But the powerful energy of the stars & planets gets imprinted on your soul at the moment of your birth. THIS creates your Cosmic Blueprint.

Sidereal systems are based on the stars. They adjust the signs each equinox with the help of corrective measures described in ancient Vedic texts. Over the past 2000 years 🌎's axis has shifted ever-so-slightly (precession of the equinoxes). As a result, where the ☀️ now sits in relation to the ✨ is different from the frozen-in-time Tropical System. The difference is approx. 24° (but can vary up to 39° depending on the date). 

To me, your tropical chart relates more to your superficial persona. It gets at the mask, but doesn't quite get at the soul. In my experience, your Sidereal Chart resonates with your soul & it's my preferred tool.

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